Friday, November 6, 2009

HE never promised Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins would be easy.

What I feel like I am going through these past few days is another renovation of the heart. This one really hurts! It hurts because I am not the only one who is hurting, now my son is involved. I laid in my bed last night and just wept. I wept for my son, for the struggles he is going through and may continue to go through. I wept for myself, cause I had to accept that there was something going on in his little heart that my love alone could not fix. I wept for his father, who does not understand why his son makes the choices he makes. The tears are still there, just under the surface. I feel like I am grieving a dream, a reality,,,

So now what,,,,

Thursday, November 5, 2009

When one little duck falls.......

Well, just when I felt I had all my ducks lining up so nicely, one fell out of line. My poor little duck was suspended from school yesterday. As I struggle through all the emotions of being the mom of a child who got suspended, one that stands out above the others is an intense sense of failure. I understand why my little duck was suspended and I am trying to be supportive of the schools decision. I also try not to feel to sorry for my little duck, after all it was as a result of choices he made. I want to resist the desire to grab my little duck and tuck him back under my wing. I want to run away with him and keep him happy, safe and comfortable.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An interesting thing happened today….

I had a cousin contact me who I never knew existed till this day. I have had several experiences like that in the last 6 months. This one is special though. There is a possibility that we could meet.

So it makes me think,,